2019 Quilt Bee SignUps

When I’ve posted my bee blocks each month this year, there is always interest in how to sign up for one.  Well, it is that time.

Blossom Heart Quilts – Quilting Bee Sign Ups.

Here are some of the blocks I’ve made over time.





This is my quilt from my time as Queen this year.

The bee is fun.  The bee can be challenging.  But remember you have an entire month to make your block and mail it.  So if you were thinking of joining, now is the time for 2019.

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  1. Leslie Frost
    October 22, 2018 / 6:10 pm

    Glad to see you back in circulation!

  2. October 23, 2018 / 9:00 am

    Oh, this is tempting . . .thanks for the info!

  3. October 23, 2018 / 5:31 pm

    Hi Jan! So nice to see a post from you!! How did you decide which block to ask for when you were queen-for-a-month? Just curious. Your quilt turned out fabulous – I love all the different fabrics and colors. How fun to have a piece of many different friends, using fabrics that you probably didn’t own or may not have selected yourself. This sounds tempting . . . ~smile~ Roseanne